I Have So Much To Say...
Really, I do.
I want to talk about my hunt for a full-time emerg position for the end of my residency.
I want to talk about my new part-time job.
I want to talk about balancing medicine with being a mom, and the effect that one has on the other.
I want to talk about the culture of abuse in medicine and why we shouldn't ignore it anymore.
I want to talk about some of the political bullshit that has been going on around our emerg department.
I want to talk about how going through medical training has changed me as a person... for better and for worse.
I want to talk about some of the crazy cases I've seen (with details changed to protect privacy, of course).
I want to talk about family medicine, and whether or not I'll continue to do it.
There is SO MUCH I want to talk about.
But instead, I am studying. Right now I have 16 days until my emergency medicine board exams. I have come to terms with the fact that I might not pass them. I feel like the other examinees are miles ahead of me. Besides having actually finished the residency program (I still have 3 months to go), they all have 2 months as staff emerg docs under their belts. I am no where near where they are right now, and I feel it. I'm trying not to panic, knowing that the only real consequence to failing this exam is the hit that I'll take to my pride. That, and the $2500 I'll have to shell out to write it again next year. But I'll still be employable. Even in full-time emerg.
In the meantime, though, I've put my life on hold. I haven't even started to apply for full-time jobs. We haven't even looked into where we'd like to live. My baby weight is still firmly attached to my midsection. I haven't worked out since before getting pregnant. I can count the number of times I've gone for a run since giving birth on my fingers. I haven't read anything but my review books and Tintinalli for months. I've lost touch with long-distance friends and still have managed to live in this town for over a year without any semblance of personal life beyond my husband and my kid. I haven't cooked in so long I forget where our pots are kept. I haven't blogged in ages.
But for better or for worse, in 19 days it will all be over.
Thank God.
Hang in there. Life will get better really soon!
10:03 PM
Good luck. 19 days isn't that long to wait for a life, but it's still lots of time to get some studying in.
8:28 AM
You're almost there. Good luck!!!
6:58 PM
Sounds like my life. Then I passed the exams and life is much better. Hang in there.
9:18 PM
Good luck!
You have made it this far. With all the work, energy and balancing you have had to put in so far, I am sure you will do great.
10:10 PM
You'll get your life back once this is over. And I'll love you regardless!
10:12 PM
Wishing you best of luck with everything. Sounds extremely stressful and I hope that you're fairing well.
3:21 PM
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